Avoiding DDIs in opioid therapy – updated app for the healthcare community

Clear as mud

This will turn general practice around

A bitter pill: How pharmacy cuts could destabilise your CCG

Qualitative methods in market research

Maintaining an engaged social media community

Nursing in Practice’s final visit to Peterborough – a huge success

Team GP just got bigger. How practices are adding new skills to cope

Pulse ‘instrumental’ in successful campaign to secure GP mental health support

Biosimilars in the European market

Prescribing review: What were the main trends in 2015?

Pulse the most widely read GP news brand, finds independent survey

The paracetamol problem

Pulse in the Press: Plans to import GPs from India

Living longer with HIV

Soaring prescriptions: Should everyone be on vitamin D?

Apple’s CareKit: Sharing your body’s secrets

The Future of Community Pharmacy

Sweet deal: Will a sugar tax work?

Pulse LIVE London 2016

The Freedom of Information Act

Pulse in the Press: Why Hunt’s pre-election promise of 5, 000 new GPs is a long way off

NICE dramatically reduces drug options for low back pain

Nursing in Practice visit Northern Ireland