
To support AstraZeneca’s educational messaging by conveying key data from the SABINA (SABA Use in Asthma) programme to target stakeholder groups in primary care.

Our approach

We created visually appealing static and animated infographics which were then embedded into a variety of digital advertising assets to improve campaign performance and message retention. The content of the infographics detailed an observational case study on SABA use in Asthma and explained how the increased SABA use is a marker of sub-optimal asthma control and is associated with negative outcomes.

Marketing tactics to promote the assets consisted of a targeted email campaign employing the SABINA gifographic via Pulse allowing content to be directly targeted to our community of GPs in the UK, helping to increase their knowledge of SABA use in Asthma. All medical writing, design and development of digital advertising assets was produced in house by Cogora.


The targeted email achieved significantly higher open (+8%) and click through rates (+1.2%) vs. benchmarks and competitor respiratory brand campaigns running at that time.

The approach recommended by Cogora was subsequently transmitted internally to AstraZeneca country respiratory marketing teams as a gold standard example of trial data communication.