For all 2024 events, Cogora is offering all sponsors enhanced data on the events that they engage with as well as better insights into those they are considering attending.

post show reports

Each year we deliver over 35 virtual and face to face events across the UK, free for our community of healthcare professionals to attend. From our media brands Pulse, Pulse PCNNursing in PracticeManagement in Practice and Hospital Healthcare Europe, these events are produced and marketed by Cogora.

Post show analysis and session snapshots

Using Cogora’s first and third party data, we will now be sharing enhanced detail of the profile of attendees at each event. Post show summaries will detail not only the number of attendees and job title breakdown but also the number of practices, PCNs and ICNs represented. They will give an indication of the patient list size represented by attendees at the event and total NHS budget.  Sponsors will also be able to see which clinical areas have been identified as areas of interest or which topics have been requested at future events.

For those sponsors with workshops at a face-to-face or virtual event, these figures can also be provided a session level, allowing you to see the reach and potential influence of your educational content alongside attendee feedback from the session.

Exhibitor dashboards

Providing a secure platform to access data from Cogora events, our brand new exhibitor dashboards combine first party attendee data with Rx data to give pharmaceutical sponsors even greater insight into the spending and prescribing habits of attendees at events they attend.

The new bespoke dashboards allow each sponsor to dictate which drug(s) to analyse and compare it to other prescription products within the same clinical area. With insights both at a global (all attendee) level, session or stand level (i.e those that have actively engaged with a specific sponsor) or individual level, sponsors now have the opportunity assess and analyse the potential impact of their event involvements.

Interested in finding out more about our event post show reports? Contact us today for more information.