Cogora supported the development and delivery of two educational symposia at the 21st International Congress of Endocrinology in Dubai.

International Congress of Endocrinology

In March 2024, Cogora worked with a global agency specialising in the treatment of rare diseases, to develop two educational symposia at the 21st International Congress of Endocrinology in Dubai.

In collaboration with our Studio team, the Cogora: The Agency began the project by creating a brand identity for the educational symposia for use across activities. This concept aligned with client’s own brand identity but was separate enough to emphasise the distinct nature of the educational activities.

Once the branding was agreed upon, the team developed a range of materials to support the conference, including email copy, event flyers and pull-up banners.

When topics had been confirmed with the relevant key opinion leaders and draft slides developed, the team stepped in to complete a final polish of the materials, creating a harmonious flow throughout the content, ensuring consistency, and streamlining the approval process through the creation of reference packs.

At the conference, the team ensured the smooth running of both sessions through assistance in technical rehearsals, last-minute slide updates and encouraging conference attendees to join the session. Printed and digital evaluation forms were available for attendees to share their thoughts on the symposia, allowing the client to adapt their strategy for their next educational event.

Post-symposia reports were developed, summarising the learnings from the events and the outcomes of the evaluations.

Despite challenging time slots, with multiple industry sessions running in parallel, both symposia were well attended, with nearly 200 attendees across the two sessions. The sessions ran smoothly, with sufficient time remaining for the planned Q&A portion of the symposia.

The client was extremely happy with the event. The team have subsequently supported the same client at their next congress, the European Congress of Endocrinology, which took place in May.

Find out more in our case study, and for further information about our marketing services and education division, please contact us today.