Pulse made the front page of the Telegraph and appeared in the Guardian, ITV news, Express and Sky News for its investigation into NHS records being used without patient consent. Its story on a seven-day scheme being scrapped was also covered in the national media and news editor Jaimie Kaffash was interviewed on BBC Radio 4.
06 June 2015 Guardian NHS details released against patients' wishes, admits data body
ITV News Confidential NHS patient data being passed on 'against wishes'
Telegraph (front page) Nearly 1million patients could be having confidential data shared against their wishes
Express Fury as NHS patients' medical records passed on against their wishes
Sky News NHS Patients' Data Shared Against Their Wishes
12 June 2015 Times Weekend GP trial scrapped as few patients show up
Daily Mail Patients shun seven-days-a-week GP trial: Pilot scheme dropped in one area after just one in ten Sunday appointments were filled
BBC Radio 4 (You and Yours) Interview with Jaimie Kaffash on rise in GP list sizes (TBC)