The Pulse PCN Summer 2023 issue takes a look at the rise of hub working in general practices.

Pulse PCN Summer 2023

GPs from three hubs across England talk to Pulse PCN about the challenges they faced in setting up PCN-wide services to tackle the unique needs of their patients.

Dr Niamh McLaughlin, children and young person lead for North West London ICS, shares how their hubs bring paediatricians and GPs closer to parents once a month to help prevent emergency attendances further down the line.

And Dr Stephanie Cook, a GP in Liverpool, discusses how PCNs have helped nearly double uptake of coil implants in the city after a significant drop during the pandemic.

Elsewhere, Lord Victor Adebowale, chair of the NHS Confederation, speaks on health inequalities, the expectations held for primary care, and how general practice can work with policymakers to improve the lives of those in England’s most deprived areas.

And clinical directors and PCN pharmacists gave their verdict on structured medication reviews in a roundtable sponsored by GSK.

The Pulse PCN supplement was distributed alongside the June issue of Pulse, The abuse epidemic, focusing on the growing levels of abuse faced by GP practices and their staff.

The Pulse PCN Summer 2023 issue can be found in full here.