Healthcare Leader’s sustainability roundtable brings together system leaders and experts to discuss how the NHS will meet its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2040.

Healthcare Leader’s roundtables look at the core issues facing the new NHS leaders at integrated care boards (ICBs), the challenges they face, the solutions they’ve found and their plans for the future.

Leaders from the ICBs in Cheshire and Merseyside, and Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, along with experts from Arden and GEM commissioning support unit and Deloitte, discuss NHS green plans, the supply chain and leadership.

In Healthcare Leader’s sustainability roundtable, they deliver their verdict on whether the NHS can meet its target at this independent virtual event sponsored by Ipsen.

Editor Victoria Vaughan says: ‘Working towards net zero is not only an NHS-wide target it also links in with the fourth, less-developed, aim of ICBs to contribute to social and economic regeneration of their areas.  

‘Sustainability leaders at our roundtable discuss their approach to meeting the target of net zero for NHS carbon emissions by 2040, and net zero for carbon emissions the NHS can influence by 2045 in this lively debate.

‘They discuss how climate change and health are inextricably linked: air pollution impacts lung conditions; driving less and walking more has benefits for both health and the environment. They highlight the importance of making that case to both staff and patients to progress this work and of the potential financial benefit of doing so.’

Healthcare Leader’s roundtable series broadens our intelligence offering for integrated care boards which includes news, views, features and reports.

The roundtables also feature on our new ICB Hub, which highlights the latest developments in each NHS region along with key ICB facts.

In July last year, clinical commissioning groups were dissolved, and their staff were transferred into ICBs. This change was made to shift the way of working from competition to collaboration and bring health and care together. The ICB aims are better health for everyone, better care for all, efficient use of NHS resources, and to enhance the NHS contribution to social and economic regeneration.

ICBs represent the NHS in the wider integrated care partnerships as part of the integrated care systems.

Healthcare Leader aims to support NHS system leaders in taking forward their strategies for the future of health and social care in their places and neighbourhoods.

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