I was certainly born into the digital generation. My iPhone alone has become an extension of my very being. As a member of the Agency team, I have to run a constant stream of communication with clients and suppliers, most often via email. A lot of progress can be covered in one day’s emails - the team’s keyboards sound like they are ferociously tapped at day in, day out. I hope we are covered for ‘general wear and tear’ when it comes to our computer equipment! In this technology-driven environment, there is still, however, a strong argument for face-to-face meetings. Establishing a solid client relationship can be far less challenging by embracing face-to-face interaction – allowing one to use body language and facial expressions. Have you ever imagined what your client is like based on their email tone and then been pleasantly surprised in person? It always seems easier to communicate with clients once you have been in their presence – processes and project blocks can be worked through in a far more amicable and therefore efficient manner. Trust is built through exposing yourself to the client and showing that you have gone that extra mile to meet up with them and invest in their valuable time. Pharmaceutical companies, too, are looking to multi-channel their marketing strategies indefinitely and integrate channels by combining phone calls and texts, videos and webinars, websites and applications, events and roundtables to target their professional healthcare customers. Communication preferences are key to building relationships and adding value and this principle is applicable to client services too. A combination of face-to-face encounters, email and teleconferences can be most beneficial to support any project, weighting towards the client’s personality, needs and time constraints. It is important to always ask yourself the questions: · Have I given my client the attention they deserve? · When would be the best milestones to initiate a face-to-face meet-up? (This should be pro-active rather than reactive to project problems so the client doesn’t associate your presence with negativity) · Would this information be more effective communicated via an alternative method? Technology is a wonderful thing in the workplace and we are all moving at a 100 miles per hour because of it, but nothing can replace the personal touch of a visit.