
The PCM Scientific programme aimed to improve management and timely diagnosis standards for people living with HCM by familiarising healthcare providers with expert recommendations and advancements in care.

Our approach

The HCM Academy platform was developed to contain two streams of learning: live digital workshops and online activities, both of which are CME-accredited. The digital workshops being an interactive, 60-minute experience, delivered by a leading HCM expert, focused on the diagnosis and management of HCM in patients. The online activities consisted of 6 online CME educational modules, 5 online CME case studies, and 5 online non-CME patient perspective videos.

The programme was promoted to family practitioners, primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, advanced practice providers, GPs, internists, and community cardiology teams across the United States of America. Marketing included combination of email marketing, social media, online advertising, advertising through our endorsement and partnership with the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association (HCMA), and marketing outreach through regional educators’ marketing centres.


  • 45+ workshops run-to-date
  • 95,400+ online users

Over 245 attendees have gained CME credit for the live digital workshops and online educational activities.

The CME initiative has seen fantastic feedback from delegates and our faculty. ‘I think the HCM Academy offers a substantial opportunity to improve outcomes – when you look at what is being offered, it’s truly the full gamut of disease. Whether it’s age, symptoms, or treatment, or missed opportunities. I would encourage everyone to take advantage of this unique offering via the HCM Academy’ John Lynn Jeffries – National Faculty, The HCM Academy.

Workshop learners have been achieving an average of 18% knowledge gain and 23% competency gain. Learning impact doesn’t stop there, learning via our online resources has resulted in an average of 27% knowledge gain and 29% competency gain.